Wizards who channel magical energy to control the minds of other beings are commonly (and with great distaste) known as "Puppet Masters." Puppet Masters are loathed for the powers they use on others. They have the ability to Frighten, Enthrall, Command, Enslave, or Seduce others.

Puppet Masters have long had a negative reputation. Knowledge of this magic was once rare, and so these Wizards often did as they pleased. However, governments tried to employ them in the role of spy, or diplomat. Many tried to become King Makers or Kings; and too often they succeeded. When several of these Wizards were discovered abusing their powers, the situation ended by mass uprising and slaughter. Puppet Master now wisely pursue their Art secretly, in order to avoid attention. Wise rulers avoid employing them. Commoners are superstitious and often hostile towards them.

Puppet Masters tend to be independent and they distrust other Puppet Masters. They know full well the powers that another of their kind can wield. Their powers do not foster a sense of community in any way. Most Puppet Masters are not trained by others of their kind; they are self-taught. While they do take a scholarly approach to magic, they usually learn what they do on their own.


Required Advantages
Magical Awareness (5 Points) AND
      Domination 1 (10 Points) OR
      Domination 2 (20 Points) OR
      Domination 3 (30 Points)

Social Effects
-4 Reaction from Common Folk
-4 from other Puppet Masters
-2 from other Wizards

Common Advantages
Literacy (variable)
Will (Attribute) (5 Points per +1)
Charisma (5 Points per +1)
Common Disadvantages
Callous (-5 Points)
Bully (-10 Points)
Overconfidence (-5 Points)
Megalomania (-10 Points)

Common Skills
Detect Lies (Variable)
Diplomacy (Variable)
Thaumatology (Variable)
Fast Talk (Variable)
Intimidation (Variable)
Persuade (Variable)