"Gothic Park"

Game Master: Lewis
Players: Chris, Glenda, Joe, Phil, Rob-B, Robert-S
PCs: Mr. Clean, Golden Girl, Robin, Beholder, [unnamed], Husk (respectively)
Experience: 3 each

Delirious street bums and creepy gothic churches fore-shadow changes for the city. A strange fight occurs in a park between the Heroes and several unknown (but all-too-familiar) forces.

The heroes went to investigate and find out why all the hobos were clearing out of certain parts of town. One semi-lucid hobo kept ranting about Blood and the Sky and the like. While combing the city investigating, the night sky did start having a red tinge, and red clouds and lightning were occasionally seen.

Mr. Clean noticed some strange things about a weird gothic church, but nobody found anything definitive. They did meet a suspicious priest in the church, and Chris noticed some things the others definitely did not in the higher regions of the church. Robin discovered she has telekinesis over all wood, even dead/inanimate wood, and Beholder discovered that some conditions cause him to burst into flame. Apparently it is linked to either Holy Ground or Magic, but nobody is sure. What is sure is that at one point he freaked out and shot Golden Girl with his eye-beams, which were more powerful than usual, and then he ignited (thought it doesn't seem to hurt him). Now his eyes glow with golden swirls of light (his sunglasses can cover this up) and his energy blast is green with golden fire around it. When he lights up, Beholder is covered with an eerie (harmless? green flame). Also, at one point, something grabbed at his eyes, and flew away, but in the dark, he couldn't determine why or from where. Things are getting interesting for the Beholder.

As they were leaving the Church, some of the heroes saw shafts of light emanate from various points over the city. However some of the heroes saw absolutely nothing. Everyone heard the two giant thumps, like monstrous footsteps, that immediately followed. Meanwhile, the red-tinged clouds and lightning, which everyone could see, increased in menace.

Shortly thereafter, a fire was witnessed a few blocks away in the park. The heroes rushed to investigate. A general combat had broken out that, over its course, involved several forces other than the heroes: Giant Flaming Hounds, wee goblins with nets and top-hats, zombies, hundreds of snakes, a misty floating form-less apparition, and some opponents that were invisible but clearly present (some of the heroes could see them, and some could not). Robin lost her stolen motorcycle in this fight when she rammed it into an enemy. Later, Husk used it as a club. Golden Girl fled the scene because of her unnatural fear of snakes, hundreds of them this time. The fight ended with *most* of the heroes still standing, and none the wiser on what had happened.

After the fight, it was discovered that Mr. Clean had become injured and had liquefied or gone missing, possibly freezing into the ground after the heat of the Flaming Hounds was extinguished (and valiantly so by Mr. Clean in particular). Before the police and fire-fighters could arrive (they were putting out fires caused by the Hound earlier), some of the "heroes" got the bright idea of using their own urine to try to thaw him out, but honestly, who does that? Really. They don't even know which particular puddle, if any of them, was Mr. Clean, anyway. I mean come on.

Eventually the heroes parted company. By the next day, the red-tinged sky and clouds had reverted to normal. Mr. Clean was not heard from since this encounter. Is he dead? Nobody yet knows.