"Title Goes Here"

Game Master: X
Players: Golden Girl, Mr. Clean, Stand-In
PCs: D, E, F (respectively)
Experience Points Awarded: 2,2,2 (respectively)

The PCs were attacked by lovecraftian monsters. Stand-In assumed (incorrectly) that he had been identified by the Silver Eagle II (since other characters dropped some information in an encounter with him, plus the Stand-In is paranoid). Stand-In ran from his encounter, shook it off, went home, found another. Decided his cover was blown and burned his own house (like an idiot). He donated the land to the city as a park.

Notes on the NPCs:
NPC Notes go here. Notes on the Characters:

* Character A notes.

* Character B notes.

* Character C notes.

Details go here.

Section breaks have 1 blank line.